lauantai 9. marraskuuta 2013

E-learning and Digital Cultures -MOOC Edinburg University

Ensimmäinen viikko MOOC opiskelua takana ja olen aika vaikuttunut. Kurssin aluksi katsoin 5:n opettajan tiimin esittelyvideon. Kurssilla on pohdittu verkko-opetuksen kehitystä ja taustaa Utopian ja Dystopian käsitteiden kautta. Eli jos toisessa ääripäässä ovat teknologia "uskoiset" ja toisessa ääripäässä kauhuskenariot opetuksen laadun romahtamisesta, niin mihin käsityksiin nämä pohjaavat (teknologinen determinismi).

Luettavana oli 3 erilaista verkkotekstiä aiheesta viimeisen 10 vuoden ajalta. Lisäksi on katsottu 4 lyhytvideota/piirrosanimaatiota a n. 6 min, joissa on-line opetuksen murrosta on kuvattu esim. opiskelijan näkökulmasta ja analysoitu näitä em. utopia- dystopia akselin kautta.

 Kurssilaiset twiittaavat #edcmooc hastagilla ja halukkaat ovat perustaneet oppimispäiväkirja blogin, jotka on kaikki linkitetty tähän sivuun: . Systeemi on rakennettu siten, että ilmoitin blogini rss feedin kurssille (lomake) ja kun lisään blogitekstin otsikkoriviin tuon kurssin hastagin, niin se kirjoitus julkaistuu automaattisesti tuolla blogilistassa.

 Lisäksi on perustettu lukemattomia FB ryhmiä ja osallistujat ovat alkaneet järjestämään paikkakuntakohtaisia tapaamisia MeetUps-sovelluksen kautta. Sovelluksessa näkee ketkä kaikki ovat Coursera kursseilla juuri nyt vaikkapa Helsingistä ja rekisteröityneet MeetUps sovellukseen. Tämän viikon päättää opettajien järjestämä Google Hangout- sessio alkuillasta. 

Olenko oppinut mitään? Kyllä omasta mielestäni :)

perjantai 8. marraskuuta 2013

Technological determination for good and for worse #edcmooc

Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that presumes that a society's technology drives the development of its social structure and cultural values. So as I understood it the dilemma is between Utopist scenario where all good comes from new and improved technology as opposed to a Dystopia scenario stating that it is technology itself that drives us towards disaster. It is also argued how well are we in control of technology or is it out of hands? And finally does technology mold society or vise versa.

These are important questions in technology mediated learning where something as fundamental as a cognitive learning process is put on-line.

As a background learnig I glanced through the article: Going Distance with Online Education(2006) provided as a learning resource. For the article the writers had analyzed about 230 articles of on-line education and distant education and summed them up around three themes. The themes where democratization of learning, liberal education and instructional quality. As a whole the article was interesting reading. These ideals are widely accepted in Finland where we have a network of Open University faculties in every University we have. But now when the economy is bad there are attacks towards these ideals from many sides. Should the courses cost more, should you restrict access if participant doesn't perform and take exams, should teaching  and teachers be replaced with on-line materials and  peer support to save money etc. So the article and findings are still relevant today.

The week ended in a google hangout, my first experience of such. The live video discussion was enhanced with a twitter feed and recorded.

Someone already published a TAGSexplorer visualization of our discussion. Interesting graphics where actuvity was scored and mapped.

Amoung hundreds of links provided in the feed I picked up this one:
Focus! Mindful's interview with Daniel Goleman, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence, on his new book, Focus, and how we can restore our attention and enjoy life and learn more.
Watch the video

#edcmooc Never thought the Hangout would be so interesting. I hope we can create also great ones for following weeks!
— Ana Yara (@AYtranslator) November 8, 2013

torstai 7. marraskuuta 2013

Greetings from Finland ! #edcmooc

Helsinki City Old Harbour and Market Square
 I am working at the University of Helsinki and more precisely at the Open University as an e-learning specialist. We reach out 16 000 students and offer university courses practicly for free. If you pass a course you get credits, but you can not get a degree.

On-line courses are offered in most subjects and we use basicly Moodle and Adobe Connect to deliver them. Over 200 courses are run each semester.  Courses have typicly 30 up to 150 participants.

In addition a totally open lecture series Studia Generalia was broadcasted live form the University and you could watch it either from the TV or internet. The theme for this Autumn was Climate change.

Looking forward for the EDCMOOC experience - connecting people !

More information

@SusaPitk - Twitter

Helsinki Webcam

E-learning and Digital Cultures - EDCMOOC

A new 8 weeks studysession in an on-line course is starting. A new experience in participating in a MOOC developed by the University of Edinburg. This blog will be linked into the course blog list.

I will try to participate and also reflect on the experience.

First week will close with a Google Hangout